AC4 runs at a slow fps, but it's tolerable as it's such a great game. I've played through all the Arkham games (except Knight, which I don't think runs at all on PC?), and Assassins Creed up to 4- all run fine. It's an Intel Celeron processor N2840 2.16GHz graphics Intel HD Graphics 311-792MHz. It meets all the numerical specs but I don't know how to compare the processor and graphics. I'd love to play this game but my laptop is a couple of years old, built for work and not gaming at all. Hi, I hear this game runs fine on PCs with under the minimum reqs. I couldn't post twice in a row for some reason, so my original post is copied here All in order to turn your car into a trouble-free fighting vehicle and get to your goal no matter what.Hi, so I posted about this game a couple of weeks ago, and have an update. But first, you will have to wander through the dangerous and soulless Wastelands, do all sorts of not the most pleasant tasks. Your task is to get to the Silent Plain and establish your new home there. To stay alive, you need to constantly move, so the car must be trouble-free, ready for any difficulties. A slightly modified rule "my car is my fortress" works here, which reflects the spirit of this universe. The only safe place in this world full of madness, cruelty and violence is your car. But the enemy does not sleep and is ready to take advantage of any of your weaknesses. You are looking for calmness and serenity. You are a lonely warrior tired of the established order of things. As calm as possible in a post-apocalyptic world.

For a long time, the protagonist did everything possible to get rid of his nickname, which became a stigma on his fate, and start a new, quiet and measured life. Mad max - the return of the legendary and truly Mad Max! Transform into the role of a ruthless, unbending fighter driven by a sense of justice.